Revelstoke Review: Looking for a new home? Here’s a suggestion to get Stoked about!

A new Revelstoke development is making waves for all the right reasons!

Stokedliving is a unique residential development that offers something truly groundbreaking: state-of-the-art building technology that’s been popular with our European neighbours for years but is just starting to gain popularity here in North America.

The Paradigm Building Solutions’ project exclusively uses a new building product and process called Paradigm Panels. At first glance they may seem similar to modular or pop-up homes, but these pre-made walls are in a class all their own. Energy-efficient, B.C.-made and built in a controlled environment that keeps moisture out, they create a healthy, stable indoor climate for you and your family to enjoy.

Paradigm Panels:

Stokedliving utilises Paradigm’s closed wall panel system, an intricate and meticulous pre-built wall system that’s redesigning how modern homes are built, says Jenny Currie, from Paradigm Building Solutions.

Paradigm’s closed wall system is made in a controlled factory environment and uses a multi-layered system that exceeds the requirements for Energy Step Code 5, which as of 2032 will be the standard Energy Step Code in B.C. for all new builds (the majority of homes currently being built in BC are only at Step Code 3).

The walls are insulated with dense-pack cellulose, adding additional quality control that can’t be achieved when insulating onsite. The cellulose is a recycled product, one of many features that help reduce the overall carbon footprint of Paradigm Panels. The end result is a wall that’s breathable, mould-free and provides a clean, controlled indoor environment that will keep you cool in the summer and comfortably warm all winter long.

Want to take a peek inside the Paradigm Factory to see for yourself how the groundbreaking Paradigm Panels are made?Read more here.

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